Hello, we are DFFRNT.

Our Team – Bold Minds, Big Impact

DFFRNT ERA is a collective of visionaries, entrepreneurs, and outside-the-box thinkers on a mission to revolutionize consumer goods. Blending creativity with expertise, we’re shaping tomorrow – innovatively, sustainably, and always with a good amount of fun. Want to know who’s driving this game-changing approach? Meet the team pushing boundaries daily. Each of us brings our own magic spark – and together, we are DFFRNT ERA.




Our Creator Economy pioneer

Moe is our passionate visionary and serial entrepreneur. Over the last 15 years, he’s built 8 companies and 5 brands across 4 countries – all fully bootstrapped and without investors. Four of these companies hit €1 million in revenue within just six months – a feat accomplished by few. His secret? Targeted marketing and sales strategies that rock. Moe loves creating new companies and driving them to success. And once they’re up and running, he’s already onto the next challenge. This man is always ready for action!

  • Highlights
    • Built one of the largest online supplement shops with seven-figure revenues.
    • Developed innovative products in the field of dietary supplements.
    • Established the then market-leading brand in the field of flavor drops and 0% fat & sugar sauces in Europe, Nutriful.
    • Oversaw the development, private-labeling and manufacture of products for several major brands.
    • Founded two medical companies that supplied over 1,500 pharmacies.
    • All these companies achieved seven-figure revenues within six months.
  • Personal Superpower
    Moe has a unique sense for spotting trends and an exceptional ability to develop businesses strategically, helping them thrive in new markets.
  • Anecdote
    Moe has been a passionate entrepreneur since childhood. One of his early ventures was selling PlayStation games in the schoolyard, which he bought cheaply in Iran – despite not owning a PlayStation himself. These early business moves were a preview of his future as a serial company founder.
  • Fun Fact
    Moe has a special talent for spectacularly failing at extreme activities. Whether it's flipping over in a dune buggy in the desert or tearing his bicep while jumping on a trampoline, Moe proves that even CEOs aren’t immune to minor mishaps!


Co-Founder and COO

The calm heart and secret weapon

Manuel is the co-founder and COO of DFFRNT ERA. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a rock-solid business background, he’s the one who brings Moe’s creative visions to life. Manuel is the calm heart of DFFRNT ERA – always cool and collected, and never thrown off balance. A true leader who keeps the operations ticking like a Swiss watch, turning big ideas into real, measurable success.

  • Highlights
    • Joined an international consulting company with 90 employees, becoming a board member and helping it grow to 300 employees within three years.
    • Founded a successful sales agency with over 30 team members.
    • Scaled sales for one of the largest real estate education platforms in Germany, growing revenue from €0 to the double-digit millions.
    • MBA degree
  • Personal Superpower
    Manuel is the heart of DFFRNT ERA. His calm and focused demeanor, paired with an incredible talent for leadership, makes him a cherished figure in the company. He leads the entire team and ensures that all the wild visions are turned into reality.
  • Anecdote
    Manuel is the Marco Polo of modern office life. Without speaking any Russian, he ventured into Russia, mastered the language, and won over the locals with his ever-ready smile. His little companion, Dolce – a cat he found as an orphan – grew up under his care and became just as adventurous and beloved as Manuel himself.
  • Fun Fact
    Manuel took the "jump-in-at-the-deep-end" concept to a whole new level when he moved to Cyprus without ever having set foot there before. No friends, no family, and not the faintest clue about the place – he arrived with a suitcase full of dreams and a bold sense of adventure. He’s living proof that sometimes the craziest decisions lead to the best stories!


Social Media & Trends Expert

The soul of our social media and trends

Franzi keeps us constantly up to date with the latest social media trends and developments. She has an incredible instinct for spotting products, trends, and creators that align perfectly with DFFRNT ERA. As our Social Media & Trends Expert, she identifies the coolest creators and pinpoints exactly who their audience is, so she can help find the perfect products for them. With her keen sense of trends, she consistently impresses our clients and their communities.

  • Highlights
    • Led an 18-person sales team at just 18 years old.
    • Moved to Cyprus at 21, where she founded her first e-commerce business.
    • Launched children’s toy products, generating €400,000 in revenue within the first four months.
    • Managed six-figure marketing budgets.
    • Studied food, nutrition, home economics, and sciences, as well as health and care.
  • Personal Superpower
    Franzi is the soul of DFFRNT ERA. She’s empathetic, calm, and always in a good mood – the kind of person everyone loves. With her unique eye for trends and her passion for social media, she brings a breath of fresh air to our projects and is an inspiration to us all.
  • Anecdote
    At 21, Franzi moved to Cyprus to start her e-commerce business without ever having been there before. Her decision was as spontaneous as her personality – she heard it was sunny and beautiful and thought, "Why not?"
  • Fun Fact
    Franzi is a master of the culinary arts and can turn almost any ingredients into something delicious. Her team swears her cookies have a secret ingredient that is seriously addictive – naturally, because everything we do is DFFRNT!


Head of HR

Our HR Wizard with Global Expertise

Maria is our Head of HR, currently based in Dubai. With over 20 years of experience in international HR management, she’s a true expert in her field. As an HR Business Partner for a global food protection company, she currently manages 90 employees. She’s worked across various industries, including mining, luxury goods, oil, and food protection.

  • Highlights
    • Head of HR for a Food Protection Company in Dubai, managing 90 employees
    • Extensive experience in classic HR functions such as personnel management, bonus models, and training programs
    • Previously worked in HR at Philips and in the luxury goods sector at Richemont, involved with brands like Cartier, Montblanc, and Jaeger-LeCoultre
    • HR Business Partner in mining and oil companies, overseeing over 200 employees
  • Personal Superpower
    Maria is our HR wizard with an incredible knack for international management. With her extensive corporate experience, she brings calm, structure, and a deep understanding of employee needs to our team. She’s the glue that holds the DFFRNT family together.
  • Anecdote
    Maria’s passport could fill a book. Born in the Soviet Union, she moved to Algeria as a child, where she mastered French at a French school—long before she realized that travel would become her middle name. Today, she lives in Dubai and has homes in four different countries – who needs roots when you’ve got wings?
  • Fun Fact
    Maria, a real speed queen, paid more in speeding fines during one weekend in Abu Dhabi than she did in 20 years of driving back home. Now that’s what we call a fast introduction to local traffic rules!


Chief Food Futurist

Our Visionary in Food Biotechnology

Panos Kostopoulos is the man turning the future of the food industry on its head. With over a decade of experience in biotechnology and product development, he blends technical innovation with culinary creativity. As the founder of Proxy Foods, he’s revolutionizing the industry with the help of artificial intelligence, creating sustainable, ethically produced foods that not only taste great but also make a real impact. Panos thinks big – changing the world, one bite at a time.

  • Highlights
    • Secured $2.3 million in pre-seed funding for his company Proxy Foods
    • Studied at Georgetown University: Biotechnology Program with a BioBusiness track
    • 1st place at Georgetown University’s Bark Tank competition
  • Personal Superpower
    Panos combines vision and ethics like no one else. He develops recipes that not only hit the mark in terms of flavor but also consider the well-being of people, animals, and the planet. His mission? To create food that’s sustainable for generations to come.
  • Anecdote
    His dog Enzo was the spark for Panos' passion for animal-friendly foods. That special bond inspired him to use his expertise to develop sustainable foods – a true game-changer for him and the industry.
  • Fun Fact
    Panos is a true competition champ. From winning the "Bark Tank" competition to working with entrepreneur Ted Leonsis – Panos knows how to make an impressive mark. The guy always plays to win!


Managing Director von VisionIQ

Unsere Ruhe und unser Herzstück

Sandro begann nach dem Abitur eine Ausbildung zum Werbekaufmann und sammelte wertvolle Agenturerfahrung. Anschließend leitete er als Sales Director bei der RTL Gruppe crossmediale Kampagnen und absolvierte parallel ein BWL-Studium. 2008 gründete er die Wii-Lounge "Play" und 2012 die Agentur VisionIQ, die schnell renommierte Kunden gewann. Neben geschäftlichen Erfolgen verwirklichte er Herzensprojekte wie die Berlin Food Week (2013) und das Studio of Wonders (2020). 2019 gründete er das Visions Network, in dem verlässliche Partnerschaften wie mit Carlos / L&C einen wichtigen Erfolgsfaktor darstellen.

  • Highlights
    • Aufbau und Einführung der Marke Sonos in DACH.
    • Gründung und Management der Berlin Food Week (2013-2018), Deutschlands führendes Food-Format für Liebhaber, Profis und Marken.
    • Gründung und Management des Studios Of Wonders, Deutschlands führendes interaktives Museum in Berlin und München.
    • 360° Marketingagentur für zahlreiche Marken, u.a. JBL, SONOS, Teufel, Miele, Maserati, Volkswagen und Vans.
  • Persönliche Superkraft
    Sandro hat eine unerschöpfliche Begeisterung für den Vertrieb, die es ihm ermöglicht, kreative und effektive Marketingstrategien nahtlos zu integrieren und umzusetzen. Seine Leidenschaft sorgt dafür, dass beide Bereiche harmonisch zusammenarbeiten und optimale Ergebnisse erzielen.
  • Anekdote
    Eines Tages, mitten in seiner Ausbildung zum Werbekaufmann, erlebte Sandro den unvergesslichen "Konfetti-Vorfall". Voller Begeisterung und Ideen meldete er sich freiwillig, eine Präsentation für einen wichtigen Kunden vorzubereiten. Die Kampagne sollte lebendig und festlich wirken, also entschied sich Sandro für einen überraschenden Konfetti-Effekt. Beim Höhepunkt der Präsentation aktivierte Sandro eine Konfetti-Kanone. Das Konfetti wirbelte durch den Raum und bedeckte alle Anwesenden. Für einen Moment herrschte Stille, dann brachen alle in schallendes Gelächter aus. Der Kunde war so beeindruckt von Sandros Enthusiasmus und Kreativität, dass er die Kampagne sofort genehmigte.
  • Fun Fact
    Sandro ist nicht nur Gründer der ersten Wii-Lounge weltweit, sondern hatte damals auch einen inoffiziellen "Highscore-Rekord" für die Wii-Sports Bowling-Challenge in Berlin – den er regelmäßig verteidigte, indem er sich spontan gegen Besucher in den Lounges herausfordern ließ.


Head of Culture

Our Culture Architect

Mana isn’t just the Head of Culture at DFFRNT ERA – she’s the driving force behind our company culture. She’s always tuned in to how we work as a team and how our culture directly fuels our success. With her clear vision, she ensures that our values, strategy, and vision are always perfectly aligned. Constantly evolving the company, she adapts our processes to the dynamic market and ensures that everything we do is perfectly tailored to our customers' needs. Mana lives and breathes DFFRNT – and you can feel it in every detail.

  • Highlights
    • Head of Culture at DFFRNT ERA
    • Expert in People and Culture Development at RheinEnergie AG
    • Senior HR Manager at Akademie für Lernpädagogik (AfL) GmbH
    • SAP HR Consultant at RED (The Global SAP Solutions Provider)
    • Talent Development, HR Sales, and HR Management at REWE Group
  • Personal Superpower
    Mana not only has a sharp eye for the bigger picture, but she effortlessly sees how people’s needs interconnect. This skill makes her a brilliant communicator and an unshakable mediator. With her wild ideas, her courage to experiment, and her ability to laugh at herself, she brings a fresh breeze to every conversation.
  • Anecdote
    Even as a child, Mana was the unofficial mediator in her family – and her advice could have impressed even the pros. This talent for understanding people and supporting them has taken her role as Head of Culture to the next level.
  • Fun Fact
    Mana is always on the move! She travels so much that you’d think she collects countries like others collect stamps – and the DFFRNT team is always curious to see where she’s heading next.


Head of Manufacturing

Our Production Genius

Farhad is our indispensable mastermind behind everything production. As Head of Manufacturing at DFFRNT ERA, he brings not only immense expertise but also over 30 years of industry experience. With degrees in engineering, mathematics, and computer science, he has successfully led factories around the world. Whether it’s building new production facilities or installing multi-million-dollar machinery – Farhad is the man who knows how it’s done. On top of that, he runs an ice cream factory in Germany, famous for its delicious Persian ice cream. A true all-rounder!

  • Highlights
    • Building and consulting for major factories.
    • Leading projects to install machinery worth hundreds of millions of euros.
    • Producing Persian ice cream at his own factory in Germany.
    • Owner of a renowned engineering firm.
  • Personal Superpower
    Farhad is our walking encyclopedia. Whether you have a question about machines, production processes, or complex technical questions – Farhad always has the answer. His deep expertise and ability to solve seemingly unsolvable problems make him an irreplaceable member of the team.
  • Anecdote
    Farhad’s love for precision and complexity started as a child. He was already solving math equations at six years old, and he had his own little workshop as a teenager where he tinkered away on complex machine models. This passion shaped him into the brilliant engineer he is today.
  • Fun Fact
    Farhad loves ice cream so much that he built his own ice cream factory! His passion for Persian ice cream led him to bring this project to life in Germany. And rumor has it that even in the dead of winter, he never skips his daily scoop.


Head of Digital Marketing

IT-Support & E-Commerce

Carlos entdeckte früh seine Leidenschaft für Markenkommunikation und gründete bereits mit 19 sein erstes Modelabel "ICO Mex" und den Online-Shop "MyTime24". Bis 25 entwickelte er mehrere Marken, bevor er sich entschied, Visuelle Kommunikation mit Schwerpunkt auf Markenkommunikation und Brand Design an der Berliner Technischen Kunsthochschule zu studieren. Während des Studiums gründete er das Kreativ-Studio LITO&CARAS und arbeitete als freiberuflicher Designer sowie später als Creative Director für verschiedene Agenturen. 2020 gründete er die LITO&CARAS GmbH & Co. KG. Seit 2021 ist LITO&CARAS Partner im Visions Network und leitet den Bereich Markenkommunikation und digitales Marketing.

  • Highlights
    • Mitwirkung als direkter Assistent des renommierten Londoner Creative Directors Benjamin Kempton bei der Produktion von High-End-Inhalten für THE WALLPAPER MAGAZINE London.
    • Entwicklung der Markenkommunikation und Vermarktung des Studios Of Wonders, Deutschlands führendes interaktives Museum in Berlin und München.
    • Aufbau der Markenkommunikation für die aufstrebende Supplement-Brand IMASTRONGER und IMASTRONGER Nutrition vom Influencer Coach Seyit.
  • Persönliche Superkraft
    Carlos ist in seinem Freundeskreis und bei seiner Familie als "Sonnenkind" bekannt. Ihm wird nachgesagt, dass er über eine unerschöpfliche kreative Energie verfügt.
  • Anekdote
    Carlos ist bis zu seinem 11. Lebensjahr im Atelier seines Vaters, des mexikanischen Künstlers und Malers Heliodoro Hernandez, aufgewachsen. Dort entwickelte er eine Leidenschaft für Farben und Formen. Diese Erfahrungen ebneten den Weg für seine heutige Karriere als Creative Director und Inhaber der Marketing- und Kommunikationsagentur LITO&CARAS.
  • Fun Fact
    Carlos ist ein leidenschaftlicher Liebhaber von Tacos und hat im Laufe der Jahre das Kochen von Tacos perfektioniert. Seine Begeisterung für Tacos und Markenentwicklung ist so groß, dass er beschloss, Berlins erstes Konzept-Taqueria zu eröffnen. Im Juni 2024 eröffnete er sein Taco-Restaurant "TACO & GRINGO".

Lisa, Philip und Team

Heads of Marketing & Design

Our Creative Branding Besties

Lisa and Philip know what makes brands successful—and they’ve been at it since 2002. With years of experience, they’re the top contacts for everything a brand needs. Creators receive a strategy that perfectly connects personal values with their unique brand, creating identities that fit 100%. Through continued brand development and expert care, these brands are first anchored in minds and then in hearts. When it comes to packaging, Lisa and Philip are there to make the brand shine.

  • What makes Lisa and Philip so special?
    They make it as easy as possible for their clients. Instead of asking for detailed briefings, they ask the right questions and find the best answers. They’re proactive, thoughtful, and don’t see themselves as a typical ad agency that dictates the tone—they’re real partners, there to help achieve anything together.
  • Personal Superpower:
    Empathy! Lisa and Philip have an unmatched ability to understand their clients and target audiences. This lets them create solutions that truly resonate.

Simon und Team

Heads of Retail & HoReCa

Our Four Musketeers of Retail Distribution

Marc-André Eichhorn, Steffen Eichhorn, Simon Reichau, and Patrick Hornsberger are our four musketeers when it comes to bringing DFFRNT ERA products into the retail and HoReCa markets. As partners of DFFRNT ERA, these Heads of Retail & HoReCa make sure your products always get the best placement on supermarket shelves. They’re the brains behind our distribution strategy for food retail and HoReCa.

  • Highlights
    • Managing Directors of Eichhorn & Grundmann
    • One of the leading sales agencies in the German food retail market
    • Nearly 100 full-time salespeople on board
    • Awarded “TOP COMPANY 2024”
    • Expertise and experience:
    • Over 35 years in retail distribution:
    • Serving more than 12,000 markets and retail headquarters in Germany’s food retail sector:
    • Sustainable brand placement in the retail landscape
  • Personal Superpower
    Our four musketeers have an uncanny sense for trends and know the retail landscape like the back of their hands. With their knowledge and network, they ensure your products always land in the right place.
  • Anecdote
    These four musketeers always have a quick joke and a charming way of winning over both retailers and customers. When they’re on the road together, they’re like a perfectly synchronized quartet – all for one, and one for all!
  • Fun Facts
    Marc-André, the gourmet businessman, is always on the hunt for the next big culinary trend. Whether at home or abroad, he can’t resist diving into new flavors and sharing his latest discoveries back at the office.

    Steffen, the coffee enthusiast, is forever in pursuit of the perfect bean. He spends his breaks with a freshly brewed cup in hand, sampling the latest roasts for the team.

    Simon, the quiet powerhouse, is an avid yogi and calisthenics fan who loves taking his mats and weights outdoors. His philosophy: “A healthy mind in a healthy body makes for healthy business relationships.”

    Patrick, the football-obsessed sales guru, never misses a game from his favorite club. His passion for the sport reflects in his work style: strategic, team-oriented, and always goal-driven.


Take a look behind the scenes and get to know the minds driving DFFRNT ERA every day. Whether it's creative brainstorming sessions at the office or spontaneous bursts of ideas in between, here you’ll see what fuels us. Click through and feel the vibe!

Get in Touch

Ready to take your project to the next level? Or do you need answers first? We’re here for you!

From next-day delivery to tailor-made solutions – we make it happen. No matter what your project needs, we ensure everything runs smoothly and stress-free. Let’s make a difference together and get your project on the path to success. Just drop us a line – we’re ready when you are!

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